The Resources, Processes and Values (RPV) Mystery

Something was still bugging me even after yesterday’s write up. There is an underlying question I wasn’t aware of asking, which was addressed in the first few sentences of this article: Why transforming an organisation is difficult: resources, processes, values and the migration of skills; i.e.: Part of the answer lies in the observation that over time, what an organisation knows how to do migrates: its capacity lies initially in its resources (especially

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Organisation’s Capability, RPV & Becoming Data Driven

Have you heard of the RPV (Resources, Processes and Values) framework? Perhaps attributed to his beautiful delivery, the late Clayton Christensen‘s explanation of such framework in the “How will you measure your life?” book he co-authored with James Allworth and Karen Dillon, is stuck in my head. “The Greek Tragedy of Outsourcing” section in chapter seven unpacked the tale of Dell and Asus. In the quest of maximising RoNA (Return

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